Ed Domek
ED DOMEK, Master Instructor, is originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After serving with the U.S. Army in Vietnam, he returned to Milwaukee in 1970 where he trained with the Arthur Murray Franchised Dance Studios. Over the next seven years, he developed a teacher-training program for the Milwaukee location and four other studios in the Midwest. He is certified in both the American and International dance styles through the Gold level.
Through the Murray organization, he was the recipient of numerous Top Teacher awards and, in 1974, he was promoted to manager of the Milwaukee Arthur Murray Studio. Mr. Domek has lived in the Fox Valley since 1977 when he purchased the Arthur Murray franchise in Appleton. In 1996, he decided to be independent of the franchise and the Valley Social Dance Studio was born. Ed still has the passion for dancing and teaching that launched his successful career nearly 40 years ago.