Lindsay Harrison-Eirich
Lindsay is a giver and a doer, a committed philanthropist who sometimes has trouble saying "no" when she's asked to serve.
"I'm working on that," she says with a laugh. "But I like to give 100 percent to the things I believe in, and there are many of them. As long as there's room on my calendar, I want to help. It's all good stuff."
Lindsay has never been to a Movers & Shakers Gala, but when she was asked to dance this year, well, there was room on her calendar. Plus, she has developed a love for Lakeland University, which made the decision easy.
"I'm grateful for Lakeland," she says. "I sit on the board for the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce with (LU President) Dan Eck, and I told him how impressed I am with Lakeland. The things that are happening there, the way people call each other by their first names and hold doors for each other; it's incredible. The culture is amazing. It's someplace worth being a part of."
After an active four years of high school at Sheboygan North, where Lindsay excelled in tennis and soccer, she attended UW-Whitewater, thinking she'd enjoy a career in event planning or marketing.
But after landing a marketing job with a local manufacturing company, she realized that an 8-to-5 sitting-at-her-desk life wasn't for her. Lindsay was 23 years old when she resigned and started her own company, Eng@ged Social Networking, in 2013. She has between 20 and 25 clients at any one time, and loves the balance being the CEO allows.
"There has never been a day when I regretted it," she says of her big move.
One of the things Lindsay loves most about owning her business is that she can contribute on numerous boards and committees. She is the first woman ever on the Pine Hills Country Club board, and also serves the Chamber, Junior Achievement and Women and Management. She's on the marketing committee for the Weill Center and for Sharon Richardson Hospice and helps the Sheboygan County Humane Society and other organizations.
As far as dancing goes, Lindsay did ballet until she was about 5, and that's about it. Her tennis and soccer background suggest she's got good feet, and she loves all kinds of music, from oldies to hip-hop to country.
"I can belt out 'Sweet Caroline' with the best of 'em," she says. "I hope to do something upbeat and fun, to catchy music, maybe to some throwback rock n roll or hip-hop. I want it to be something people can really get behind and enjoy."
Lindsay is sponsored by Friends of Lindsay Harrison-Eirich and has chosen Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice as her recipient charity. If Lindsay is the Gala champion, her charity will receive $10,000.
Lindsay will perform a swing routine with her dance partner, Trevor Baxter.