Jaliyah Henderson
Hometown: Chicago, Ill.
Major/emphasis: Business administration/human resources.
Current job: Human resources assistant.
Campus involvement: LU cheer/Dance, Essence of Heritage, International Night, Student Ambassador, Black Student Union, Global Student Association, Ladies of Virtue, Blue & Gold Champion
Dream Job: Human resources consultant
Why did you decide to attend Lakeland University? I was sitting down with my college counselor when I was first asked "How would you describe the type of college you would like to attend?" After giving a very detailed description, he immediately asked me if I've ever heard of Lakeland. To my surprise, I hadn't, and became very intrigued. My counselor explained how Lakeland lines up with most if not all of the things that I was looking for in going to college in terms of availability of majors, graduates that get jobs, campus safety, size, individual attention and so much more. After visiting Lakeland for the first time, I was overwhelmingly excited to start my journey here. I was very impressed by the very welcoming and safe environment, along with the beautiful campus. Since I've been here, I also have become fascinated by the diversity here. All of my life, I attended schools that were predominantly African-American. Going to Lakeland has given me the chance to experience a diverse group of people and learn about many different cultures. In addition, I have learned about the many open doors, opportunities and advantages that Lakeland provides such as the Honors Program, study abroad opportunities and this scholarship.
What is one thing you want everyone to know about Lakeland University? If there's one thing that I want everyone to know, it's how incredible Lakeland's faculty and staff are and how they have a constant urge to really help students accomplish their educational and life goals. While doing this, they're showing me that I have a really great support system every step of the way.
How do you want to impact someone else's life as a young professional? As many others use their voice to touch others, I learned how to use my body to portray the same impactful message. Through dance, I use my moves to let the music I dance to speak through me. Dance is my passion, and hope to use it as a tool to move others whether it is African dance, Japanese dance, hip-hop, praise dance, etc.
How will the Gala scholarship impact your future? This Gala scholarship will help me in many ways. Academically, I am motivated to work harder to keep my good grades. Socially, I am able to continue to be active in many different organizations on Lakeland's campus. A college degree from Lakeland will enable me to gain the skills that I need to lead a successful and productive life. Thus, this scholarship will ensure that I can continue to go to Lakeland, get good grades and graduate.